30 Years After the Tragic Murder of Michael Jordan’s Father James R. Jordan, Convict Files Criminal Charges Against Only Witness

James. R. Jordan was famously known as the father of famed NBA player, Michael Jordan. The two shared a very close relationship and James played a major role in Mike’s upbringing in the sport of basketball. MJ went on to have an insanely successful career winning six NBA titles and Finals MVPs, five league MVPs, and multiple All-NBA selections. He quickly became a household name and is often referred to as the greatest of all time.

Larry Demery and Daniel Green, the two held responsible for the murder James. R. Jordan (Credits - The Fayetteville Observer and POPSUGAR)

Larry Demery and Daniel Green, the two held responsible for the murder James. R. Jordan (Credits – The Fayetteville Observer and POPSUGAR)

However, James. R. Jordan met a very tragic end. On July 23, 1993, while returning from a day of golf back to his home in North Carolina, James stopped at a motel in Lumberton. He decided to have a siesta before continuing on his journey back home.

Two men by the name of Larry Martin Demery and Daniel Andre Green spotted Jordan sleeping in his Lexus. Green shot Jordan before they proceeded to flee with the car. Jordan’s body was found 10 days after his disappearance in McColl, South Carolina. Due to extreme decomposition, it was with the help of his dentist that they identified the body.


Green and Demery escaped with the car robbing several items including two of Michael’s championship rings that he had gifted his father. After tracing the several calls made by the criminals on James’ phone, they were caught. Demery claimed they only planned on tying the victim up in his car. But he alleged that Green pulled the trigger for no reason. They were sentenced to life imprisonment.

James R. Jordan’s alleged murderer claims the witness lied

Demery was the only one who testified in court before the two suspects were given their sentencing. However, it is possible that he would’ve lied to reduce the consequences of his actions. Daniel Green recently sought perjury charges against Demery. Green has apparently always denied pulling the trigger on James. R. Jordan. He is also seeking charges against Hugh Rogers, Demery’s court representative. Green claims that Rogers urges Demery to commit perjury.

“Based on the law and facts, I do not believe that any comment is justified,” Rogers told WRAL after finding out about these charges. “When our courts are transformed into crime scenes by witnesses who commit perjury under oath and boast about it from the witness stand, every state employee who witnesses this mockery of justice is oath-bound to press charges then and there. This was not done in my case,” Green told Amanda Lamb of WRAL.

Daniel believes he has no choice but to hold on Larry accountable for lying through his teeth. He fired his previous attorney, Christine Mumma, following a hearing in October and filed the recent request with Winston Gilchrist. Both Larry and Daniel are still serving life sentences. Larry was allowed to be on parole but this was revoked by the court.

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