5 Underrated Non-Marvel Movies of Scarlett Johansson That Every Fan Must Watch

Fans may easily recognize Scarlett Johansson for her role as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the actress received a lucrative deal from the studio and amassed international fame, there is more to her than playing a Russian spy agent.

Many of Johansson’s underrated films have been shoved to the side as she worked on newer projects. Whatever the reasons these movies did not get on people’s radar, they are absolutely worth the time.

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Under The Skin (2013)

Under the Skin Scarlett JohanssonUnder the Skin (2013)
Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin may have been a box-office disaster, but it received favorable reviews from critics. Scarlett Johansson portrayed Laura, an otherworldly woman with a bizarre way of perceiving humanity.

This was originally shown at the Telluride Film Festival in 2013, but was released in theaters in 2014, the same year Johansson appeared in Marvel Studios’ Captain America: The Winter Soldier alongside Chris Evans.

Girl With A Pearl Earring (2003)

Girl With A Pearl EarringGirl With A Pearl Earring (2003)
This is regarded as one of Johansson’s best movies of all time, as the actress also received a BAFTA and a Golden Globe nomination for her role as Griet, a 17th-century housemaid. It is famously known to have been based on a real-life painting of the same title.

Colin Firth starred as the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer who had a complicated relationship with Johansson’s character. Critics praised the lead star’s performance for her passionate delivery of emotions.

Ghost World (2001)

Ghost WorldGhost World (2001)
Terry Zwigoff’s Ghost World is a dark comedy film that served as Johansson’s stepping stone into the movie industry. It was not a massive hit at the box office, though it cemented the actress’ career in Hollywood.

Scarlett Johansson played Rebecca, an outcast teenager who seeks direction in life. The movie seamlessly painted a portrait of adolescent alienation, and it made more sense knowing the actress was only 16 when she filmed this.

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The Prestige (2006)

The Prestige Scarlett JohanssonThe Prestige (2006)
Set in the late 1800s London, Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige boasts of an A-list cast. The lead stars included Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, two rival magicians who developed mutual hatred towards each other.

Scarlett Johansson played Olivia Wenscombe, a magician’s assistant who switched sides after falling in love with her master’s adversary. The film also received Academy Award nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction.

A Love Song for Bobby Long (2005)

A Love Song for Bobby LongA Love Song for Bobby Long (2005)
Johansson played an 18-year-old school dropout who moved to her late mother’s house, only to be surprised when she found out two strangers, a former professor and his protégé, already taking shelter in it. After several confrontations, they slowly begin to accept each other.

Also starring John Travolta and Gabriel Macht, A Love Song for Bobby Long earned Johansson a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress.

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