A heartwarming moment was captured on video when a toddler stole the spotlight during a street performance of Total Eclipse of the Heart by a talented violinist./sondinh/

As the violinist expertly played the iconic ballad, the attention of passersby was immediately drawn to the enchanting melody. But it wasn’t just the music that mesmerized the crowd—it was the adorable toddler who began to dance, unaware of the growing audience around them

Toddler Steals The Show As Street Violinist Plays ‘Total Eclipse Of The Heart’
When it comes to music, everyone has different tastes. Some people adore particular songs while, for others, those exact tunes could be the bane of their existence. Other people are all in when it comes to country music. However, others may prefer their music with less twang, cowboy boots, and fiddles.


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In a video posted on YouTube, one child displayed their love of music from the 1980s. More specifically, the child in the clip seems to hold Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart” in high regard.

Karolina Protsenko is an unbelievably talented young violinist. Her YouTube videos, displaying her gift for the violin, have picked up millions and millions of views. Not only is she extraordinarily talented with the stringed instrument, but she genuinely seems to enjoy playing.

In one of her latest postings, Karolina plays “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” As she usually does, Karolina turns in a dazzling performance, strumming the violin as he twists, turns, and twirls around.

However, in this performance, Karolina received a bit of encouragement from one of her youngest audience members. About halfway through the song, while Karolina is flawlessly playing the tune, a toddler runs over to the musician and gives her a young.

After hugging Karolina’s legs, the child runs away and out of the frame. But don’t worry; the little child returns several more times before the song ends.

The child’s sweet display of affection does not appear to throw Karolina off at all. She continues playing, concentrating on the song and dancing about the street.

Right before the clip ends, Karolina responds to the adoring fan. She kneels and gives the child a kiss and a warm embrace.

Like the child, those standing around taking in Karolina’s performance also enjoyed her cover of the 80s hit. They give her a well-deserved round of applause.

Psalm 95:1 “O come, let us make songs to the Lord; sending up glad voices to the Rock of our salvation.”

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

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