A Young Guy Slays “Dream On” on The Voice, Leaving Judges Completely Freaking Out and Fighting to Get Him on Their Team!/sondinh/

A Dream Made Into A Reality!
Aerosmith‘s hit song “Dream On” has essentially become the gold standard for singing especially in regards to hitting high notes. It is the power ballad that has even the most burley tough men in tears. You can’t help but cry every time.This example is really no different. This is proof that you don’t need to be Steven Tyler to amaze everyone with your singing!

What you’re about to see is a young man by the name of Travis Cormier take to the stage to audition to be a part of La Voix. He decides to sing “Dream On” by Aerosmith. Keep in mind the judges can’t see what the singer looks like, only the audience can.

Travis was visibly nervous and started with a slightly wavering voice, but once he heard that first button being pressed by a judge, he got the massive boost of confidence that he needed to finish strong. However, the real highlight was when he hit those iconic high notes a got the whole place screamin’!

The judges have to make their decision based primarily on what they hear. As soon as Travis Cormier opens his mouth, the judges and audience alike are left speechless!

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