David Letterman Defends Taylor Swift Against Her NFL Haters: ““It’s good for the footballers, it’s good for Taylor Swift and it’s something positive and happy for the world,”

Defends Taylor Swift

“People go crazy [about seeing Swift],” Letterman continued. “The [Kelce] people say, ‘No, no, don’t bother us. We’re all caught up in football.



David Letterman Defends Taylor Swift Against Her NFL Haters: "“It’s good for the footballers, it’s good for Taylor Swift and it’s something positive and happy for the world,”



We don’t want Taylor in football.’”Letterman, who has had the “Cruel Summer” singer as an interview guest or musical guest several times on Late Show before his 2015 departure, went on to describe all the hype around Swift during football games as a good thing for everyone in a world of “nonsense and ugliness.”

“This is such a lovely thing. Shut up!” he concluded. “It’s good for the footballers. It’s good for Taylor Swift. And it’s something positive and happy for the world. … God bless, Taylor Swift and Kelsey Grammer.“There’s a camera, like, a half-mile away, and you don’t know where it is, and you have no idea when the-camera is putting you in the broadcast, so I don’t know if I’m being shown 17 times or once,” she told the publication.

“I’m just there to support Travis. I have no awareness of if I’m being shown too much and pissing off a few dads, Brads and Chads.”

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