Dwayne Johnson Endorses 27-year-old WWE Star After His Return and Fans Can’t Get Enough of It

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has occasionally shown why he is the most respected and well-liked star in the world. He is respected throughout the world and has a captivating personality. Dwayne gives performances that are unparalleled in their level of effort and commitment. He is a living illustration of how persistence and hard work can pay off.

There is no denying that Rhea Ripley is among the WWE roster’s most well-liked Superstars. Her devoted followers have grown to love her for her prowess in the ring. ‘The Eradicator‘ is also handling ‘The Judgement Day’ side by side with her Championship ventures. With the recent return of The Rock, fans never imagined they would see Mami and the People’s Champion together.


The duo were seen together during an interview where The Rock was seen hanging out with Mami backstage. Dwayne Johnson posted several photos of him interacting with Rhea, and fans have also displayed their enthusiasm upon seeing the duo. “Too much star power”, and “First time seeing Rhea Fangirl and not even hide it,” said various fans upon seeing Rhea’s reaction to meeting The Great One.
Fans react to Rock meeting Rhea RipleyFans react to Rock meeting Rhea Ripley (Credit- Instagram)
Several fans even trolled The Rock for the caption, which read, “We had fun f*cking around backstage”. Among the fans, a user commented, “What were you doing backstage?” Users even referenced Buddy Matthews and Dominik Mysterio upon seeing the chemistry between Rhea and Rock. “Dom got Betrayed”, and “Buddy feels like could fight the world rn,” said various users.

It was wholesome for fans to see Rhea breaking character and getting along with the Rock. The Brahma Bull has surely made a lot of memories since his return, and this was truly another unforgettable moment.

Rhea Ripley comments on her interaction with The Rock

When ‘The Rock’ returned, Cathy Kelley interviewed him backstage, where he was spotted with Rhea Ripley’s Women’s World Championship. Kelley shared the photo, capturing Mami’s interest as well. The Eradicator answered with some tumbler glass emojis, as usual.


Everyone cannot contain their excitement about seeing the Great One, and the same happened with Ripley. By her reaction, she was elated seeing Dwayne Johnson and was completely starstruck. It shows the amount of stardom and charisma Rock holds despite being a Part-timer for the company.

The Brahma Bull has returned to the company to sit at the top of the mountain. He called out Roman Reigns in his returning promo and fans can’t wait to see these gladiators collide. As for Rhea, she continues to deliver exceptional performances week in and week out and tries to outwork herself with constant over-the-top promos and matches.

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