Elon Musk has blocked actor James Woods on X after Woods criticized Musk’s decision to remove the block feature from the platform, previously known as Twitter.

Previously, Woods had voiced concerns that removing the block feature would make the platform “untenable” for users wanting to protect their identities. In response, Musk told Woods to delete his account if he disagreed with the changes.

Recently, Musk has been actively mocking and blocking critics of his decision to remove the block option. He defended his stance by emphasizing plans to enhance the mute function, ensuring that posts from muted accounts would remain invisible to the muter. Musk also clarified that users would still retain the ability to block direct messages from unwanted accounts.

Critics, including Woods, argue that removing the block function could lead to increased harassment on the platform, particularly affecting marginalized groups such as women and people of color. Woods, who has experienced targeted harassment in the past, expressed concerns about the potential for more abuse without adequate blocking tools.

In response to being blocked by Musk, Woods commented on the situation, noting the support he received from fans. Despite the controversy, he stated his intention to remain active on X, emphasizing his commitment to speaking out unless he is forcibly removed from the platform.