“Fans are in a frenzy over a video that allegedly shows Taylor Swift giving Travis Kelce a romantic body reaction before his latest game.”
Swifties have been ecstatic ever since Taylor altered the lyrics of Karma to confirm her relationship with Travis Kelce. Every little detail and intimate moment between the two celebrities is being closely tracked by fans. Fans are going crazy about a recent video clip that shows Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce holding hands on their date night in Argentina. The video was shot during their weekend together while Taylor was in Buenos Aires, wrapping up the last leg of the Eras Tour.
– “Some fans are speculating about the nature of the relationship between Swift and Kelce, while others are focusing on the way the video is affecting Kelce’s game performance.”
– “No matter what the reaction, it’s clear that the video
Ex-Girlfriend Warned Taylor swift About Travis Kelce’ Real Motivations
Perhaps even more telling, Travis’ ex-girlfriend Maya Benberry issued a public warning to Taylor Swift where she warned her about the athlete’s history of cheating and suspicious motivations.
“Certain qualities don’t change in men. I feel like Travis is a narcissist. Most narcissists don’t change,” Maya told Daily Mail in an interview. “Like the saying goes, once a cheater, always a cheater,” she continued, adding she believes Travis is only chasing his ”15 minutes of fame” by romancing Swift.
“I wanted the public to know I’m not jealous or bitter about Taylor. She’s beautiful, she’s successful, we’re in two different lanes,’ she said before pointing the finger back at the athlete,” Maya continued. “My issue is more with Travis. Now, [he’s] trying to turn me into a bitter person or a liar, or delusional. And I’m the furthest thing from that.”
As for her advice for Taylor, Maya added, “Taylor seems like such a fun girl with a beautiful spirit so I wish her the best of luck but I wouldn’t be a girls’ girl if I didn’t advise her to be smart!”
“I’m sure by now she has mastered the ability to see who is really there for her – and who is just using her,” the marketing professional continued. “The marketing and brand consulting expert continued: ‘I can only hope that she comes out the teacher in this situation and not the student.”
There have even been reports that Selena Gomez and Gigi Hadid have expressed concerns about Travis to Taylor, though Gigi went on record to deny the reports