“Have you forgotten the beautiful memories we shared together? Have you forgotten how we used to do things together? Let’s not let those memories fade away,” said Nicole Kayla to Travis Kelce.

Kayla Nicole once said she had moved on and didn’t want to be associated with the tight end. However, she recently did something that made fans think otherwise, some even calling her ‘desperate.’

Nicole recently liked a clip from Travis and Jason Kelce’s podcast, “New Heights.” The recent holiday edition of the podcast featured Jason Kelce’s wife, Kylie, who appeared as a guest.

Travis Kelce’s fans felt the fitness model contradicted what she preached to social media followers in the past. Some fans on Reddit questioned her motives. One fan said she was “delusional” if she thought reconciling with Travis Kelce was possible.
Travis Kelce and Kayla Nicole began dating in 2017 and broke up in 2020. They reconciled shortly after, only to break up for the final time in early 2022.

Till early fall 2023, Nicole was friends with Kelce’s teammate Patrick Mahomes and his wife Brittany. The two appeared on each other’s social media accounts until Kelce and Swift went public with their relationship.

Nicole then unfollowed Patrick and Brittany Mahomes on social media. In late November, she addressed the topic of friendships and how it’s necessary to move on from some of them

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