Huge skeletons discovered in Bulgaria have shocked archaeologists. son

Huge skeletons discovered in Bulgaria have shocked archaeologists.

According to ancient myths, a group of giant people once walked the earth, building pyramids and giant buildings as divine temples. Their existence also tells the story of God and Goliath and countless fairy tales.

The mystery is why these people died. Unusually large remains, allegedly discovered by scientists in Bulgaria, could help answer that question.The necropolis had a cache of about 80 skeletons, and most of them were complete. In addition, they also found some preserved ceramic jars filled with grain. However, in recent years, villagers discovered the cemetery Titans in the apple orchard.

Ancient Giants: 5-METRE-TALL HUMAN SKELETONThe giant hominid specimen measuring an incredible 5.3 metres (17 feet 4 inches) tall was discovered near the ancient ruins of the only megalithic civilisation ever discovered in Australia, making the discovery twice as puzzling, admits Professor Hans Zimmer of the University of Adelaide.

“The discovery of the Uluru archaeological site last year already surprised us, but this new find leaves us speechless,” he admits, somewhat bewildered. “In theory, a 15-metre-tall hominid cannot exist. How did this happen? How is it possible? While this discovery is fascinating, we are left with more questions than answers,” he admits.

The discovery of a 5-metre-high human skeleton near Ayers Rock is the largest skeleton ever found and leaves scientists with “more questions than answers”, admits Hans Zimmer, professor of archaeology at the University of Adelaide.

Some experts have hypothesized that the specimen may have suffered from an extreme case of gigantism, a condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormones, a theory Professor Hans Zimmer dismisses as “pure speculation.”“Only further research can help us uncover the truth behind this anomaly of nature. Until we find more remains, we are left to speculate,” he firmly believes.

The Uluru archaeological site, discovered in 2014 by a team of researchers from the Australian National University, led to the discovery of a previously unknown megalithic civilisation that could help solve the mystery of the strange discovery.

“Last February we found a megalithic monolith that is estimated to weigh around 80 tons. The salt features of the monolith are located just 200 kilometers away. How did they manage to smuggle this huge monolith hundreds of kilometers into the desert? What technologies did this civilization use? We cannot adequately answer these questions at this time,” admits John Thomas Buckler, lead archaeologist during the 2015 excavation.

Some experts believe that a major catastrophe is the destruction of the Uluru civilization, which turned the entire region from a fertile and rich land into a barren desert at that time.“Iron deposits are found throughout the Australian desert, possibly causing some kind of meteorological impact on the region,” explains Sydney-based researcher Allan DeGroot. “Analysis of the geological deposits confirms a major impact on the region between 3,500 and 2,500 years ago,” admits the leading expert. “The catastrophe revealed by traces of nitrogen and high levels of radiation in the ruins of the Uluru archaeological site clearly lead us to believe that both events are closely related,” he concludes.

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