“I don’t think I was ever seriously in the running”: Keanu Reeves Was “Terrified” Of Auditioning For Jim Morrison Biopic After Rejecting Director’s Violent Movie

Keanu Reeves is a wonderful star, who has established himself as an action star. After having starred in films like The Matrix and John Wick franchise, the actor is regarded as one of the best stars in the action world. Over his many years in the film industry, the star has worked in many films while letting go of others.
Keanu Reeves rejected a film because it was violentKeanu Reeves rejected a film because it was violent
In one instance, the Speed star actually let go of an opportunity to star alongside Willem Dafoe and  John C. McGinley since the movie was too violent. In another instance, he let go of another well-known film, for he wanted to star in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

The One Time Keanu Reeves Rejected A Movie For Being Too Violent

The movie that Keanu Reeves rejectedThe movie that Keanu Reeves rejected
Oliver Stone‘s Platoon is one of the most famous war films that shows extreme realism. A highly acclaimed film, it focuses on a young American soldier named Chris Taylor in the infamous Vietnam War. A raw and harrowing depiction of the realities of war, Stone did an excellent job capturing the theme of war.

The role was played by Charlie Sheen, but it was initially offered to Keanu Reeves. However, as the illustrious director revealed, Reeves turned down the movie because it was too violent. In an interview he stated,
“That’s right, Keanu turned it down because of the violence. He didn’t want to do violence.”
Keanu Reeves might have rejected the movie for being too violent, but ever since then violence and gruesome scenes have become a trademark of his later movies. Even though fans are still regretful not having the star in such a poignant film, in the end, everything seemed to have worked out perfectly fine.

Keanu Reeves Was Terrified To Audition For Oliver Stone’s The Doors

Val Kilmer landed the role that Keanu Reeves wanted to playVal Kilmer landed the role that Keanu Reeves wanted to play
Keanu Reeves rejected the role of Chris Taylor in Platoon. And years later in 1991, The Matrix star auditioned for Stone’s The Doors. The film was based on the enigmatic and celebrated singer Jim Morrison, the lead vocalist of the rock band The Doors. Reeves wanted to star in the film but was apprehensive since he had earlier rejected Stone’s Platoon.

One time he even remarked how he was not sure if he was ever in the running,
“I auditioned a few times, but I don’t think I was ever seriously in the running. I just read some of Jim Morrison’s poetry and listened to some of his music and did what I could.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong since the role eventually went to Val Kilmer and Keanu Reeves lost the opportunity to ever star in an Oliver Stone film.

Platoon and The Doors are available to stream on Amazon Prime.

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