Chris Hemsworth has been a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2011. Featuring in the role of Thor, the God of Thunder alongside the Avengers, Hemsworth found worldwide fame by starring in that role.
Starring alongside Robert Downey Jr. in the MCU, the director of the 2016 movie Ghostbusters, expected Hemsworth to be more like his co-star in terms of improvisation. Chris Hemsworth, on the other hand, felt that his career was finished since he had never done improvisation before!
Chris Hemsworth Did Not Know How To Improv
Back in 2016, director Paul Feig tried to create a successful reboot of the classic 1984 movie Ghostbusters. In the movie, Chris Hemsworth portrayed the role of Kevin Beckman but his lines weren’t properly etched out.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Since Hemsworth’s co-star Robert Downey Jr. is known for his improvisation skills, Paul Feig thought that Chris Hemsworth might also know how to improvise. Turns out that was the thing that the 12 Strong actor was afraid of doing. In an interview with GQ, Hemsworth recalled how he found himself at a crossroads and felt that his career was going to end due to his lack of improvisation skills.
“I said to Paul [Feig], “There’s not a whole lot on the page, like, what do you want me doing?” He said, “Oh, we’ll figure it out when you get here.” So I said, “Okay, why not? Let’s go.” And I got there, turned up to the studio the day before we started shooting and he handed me the script, I read the script and I said, “There’s still nothing in here. Like, what am I doing?” And he said, “It’s okay, we’re gonna improvise and have fun.”
Well, the Extraction actor thought that his career was going to end and that he would be the person responsible for sinking the whole ship. Turns out, he was partially right, but it wasn’t his fault.
Chris Hemsworth Thought His Career Was Finished
Chris Hemsworth as Tyler Rake in Extraction 2.
While starring in the role of Kevin Beckman, Hemsworth had been told to improvise his lines. Since he didn’t have the improvisation skills, Chris Hemsworth revealed to GQ that he thought his career was finished. Having very little confidence in himself, the actor also assumed that his improvisation would be so bad that it would lead to the downfall of the film!
“And my immediate reaction was, this is not only the end of my career but I’m going to ruin this film, I’m gonna let everyone down, I haven’t done this before, what am I doing?”
In the end, it wasn’t the Men in Black: International actor’s fault but Ghostbusters received an average rating of 6.8/10 on IMDB and 74% on Rotten Tomatoes. The 2016 film is available to rent on Apple TV+ in the U.S.
Source: GQ