Donna Kelce HITS OUT at Critics of Paris Olympics ‘Last Supper’ Controversy by Sharing a Facebook Post Blaming the Backlash on ‘Veiled Homophobia’-nhung

Donna Kelce has appeared to hit out at criticism over the Olympics ‘last supper’ scene in the opening ceremony via her Facebook page, sharing a post from a user saying ‘veiled homophobia’ is behind the outrage.

Kelce, the mother of NFL heroes Travis and Jason Kelce, shared the posts to her thousands of followers on her Facebook page this week. The post reads: ‘ This is what happens when you ban books and limit education.

‘The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics wasn’t a mock of the Last Supper. If you have any knowledge of the Greek origin of the Olympics and the French’s rich history of theater you would have gotten this. However, because of your veiled homophobia, some of you can’t discern factual information.’

The post, which was uploaded with a picture of the Greek Dionysus Feast painting – a 17th-century Dutch painting of the Greek Gods, continued: ‘This is was what went down, so do your own research into the Olympics.

‘The scene was a portrayal of a Greek Dionysus Feast celebration, which is a Greek (the origin of the Olympics) celebration of Dionysus (who is also known as Bacchus) who is the god of festivities, ritual, wine, pleasure, and frenzy. The blue guy…..that’s Dionysus. Dionysus was one of the 12 Olympians.

Donna Kelce has hit out at criticism over the Olympics 'last supper' opening ceremony scene

Donna Kelce has hit out at criticism over the Olympics ‘last supper’ opening ceremony scene

Organizers apologized to Christian groups offended by the scenes in the opening ceremony

Organizers apologized to Christian groups offended by the scenes in the opening ceremony

Kelce shared a post saying the scene was referencing the Greek Dionysus Feast celebration

Kelce shared a post saying the scene was referencing the Greek Dionysus Feast celebration

‘The French are known for theatrics. Historical context and education surrounding the Olympics and its origin is important here in this. Many of you fell for the controversy in spun-up click bait.

‘Stop mindlessly sharing posts and do some research.’

Kelce’s followers were split in response to the NFL’s most famous mom sharing the post.

One comment underneath read: ‘I already loved you Mama Kelce but this just elevated it 1000%. This is why we need art and history in our schools!’.

Another said: ‘Ahhh Mama Kelce for the win!’

But there were plenty of comments disagreeing with her from users who were unhappy that she shared the post in question.

One of her followers commented: ‘Why should we have to educate ourselves about something that we should be able to sit down and enjoy with our children without a lot of confusion?’

Another follower simply wrote: ‘Totally and strongly disagree with you.’

Fans were split in reaction the post that Kelce shared on her Facebook account this week

Fans were split in reaction the post that Kelce shared on her Facebook account this week

Kelce is the mother of Travis Kelce - Taylor Swift's boyfriend - and fellow NFL star Jason

Kelce is the mother of Travis Kelce – Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – and fellow NFL star Jason

The organizing committee of the Paris 2024 games apologized on Sunday after Christian groups around the globe reacted in outrage at the scene in question from the opening ceremony.

‘Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. [The opening ceremony] tried to celebrate community tolerance,’ the Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told a press conference. ‘We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence we are really sorry.’

Donna Kelce, 71, shot to fame in 2023 when her sons Travis and Jason were playing on opposing teams in that year’s Super Bowl. Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs went on to emerge victorious over Jason and the Philadelphia Eagles.

Last September, Travis and girlfriend Taylor Swift went public when the singer appeared at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City to watch him play in the NFL.

The singer took a seat alongside Donna in a VIP suite at the stadium.

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