Hollywood actress Jada Pinkett Smith and Oscar winner Will Smith have lived separately since 2016, leaving Jada alone at home in her Los Angeles home when two intruders attempted to break in
Actress Jada Pinkett Smith has defended her home against intruders an alleged attempted break-in at her Los Angeles home, where she currently lives alone.
The actress, who has been separated from husband Will Smith for several years, defended her home after two suspects attempted to gain entry by climbing over a balcony but then reportedly fled when spotted by the star. Police attended the scene according to a source, and it has not been confirmed what the intention of their break in was. There have reportedly been a series of burglaries in the area of celebrity homes, yet it has not been determined if Jada’s home was the next target.
Jay Shetty Podcast /Youtube)
According to TMZ, police informed the outlet that men wearing hoodies attempted to break in before 8pm thinking the coast was clear, yet fled the scene shortly after. The incident is now under investigation with law officials, who have not released any further details.
Last year, Jada began opening up about her split from Will Smith as she released her memoir, Worthy. She revealed to the world that while they were still technically married, they spent some time apart and now live apart. The pair were even separated when Will jumped up to defend his wife from Chris Rock as the Oscars with a slap. It was in that moment that Jada revisited their marriage and felt more inspired to give it another go, after seeing his strong desire to defend her.
Jada Pinkett Smith and husband Will Smith have been separated for some years now, as she revealed last year (
AFP via Getty Images)
The couple spoke in statements last year about wanting to ‘work things out’, although Will was left “blindsided” by Jada’s confessions regarding their private life in her book as well as various podcast and television appearances. Last year in November, an insider revealed to Heat Magazine that Jada did not have Will’s approval to discuss their private life like she did. They then said that he has been left feeling “more emasculated than ever”.
During an appearance on Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast, Jada was shown a letter which was written by Will after he finished reading her book. He said: “It is amazing to realise that despite having lived most of my life by your side, I still found myself shocked and stunned and caught off guard, laughing, then inspired, then heartbroken. I was all over the place.”
The pair separated several years ago but are reported to be ‘working to reconcile’ (
AFP via Getty Images)
Will Smith was reportedly left feeling “more emasculated than ever” after Jada revealed their marriage problems in her book ‘Worthy’ last year (
AFP via Getty Images)
Will explained: “It’s one thing to hear anecdotes at a family barbecue, but it was truly overwhelming to take in your story, potently condensed in this way.” He then gushed over his wife and said Jada is “a rare blend of power and delicate sensitivity”.
The actor added: “I know it wasn’t easy to excavate the depths in that way. I applaud and honour you. If I had read this book 30 years ago, I definitely would have hugged you more. I’ll start now. Welcome to the Authors Club. I love you endlessly. Now go get some Merlot and take a rest.”