Jasoп Kelce Aппoυпce RETURN to the NFL as he Reveals Plaпs Of Joiпiпg Brother Travis iп Chiefs SOON – News


Travis and Jason Kelce are brothers who play in the NFL. Jason is a center for the Philadelphia Eagles. Travis is a star tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. Each has won a Super Bowl ring.




The Kelce brothers were the subject of a recent Sports Illustrated article highlighting their different personalities and revealing how their approach to the game was aligned.



“Formula for winning – passion, leadership, curiosity, smarts, love.”

Passion. Exhibiting passion distinguishes the Kelces. They approach every practice with high energy. They don’t take plays off. Their passion is contagious. Others step up their game because of them.

Leadership. The Kelce brothers do more than lead by example. They speak up. They hold teammates accountable. They maintain the high standards necessary to succeed and ensure the rest of the team succeeds.

Curiosity. The status quo isn’t good enough. Their careers have been marked by improvement each year. They credit their discipline to “always inquire and observe how to better themselves.”

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