Chris Hemsworth is potentially one of the most well-recognized faces in Hollywood. He is an integral part of two massively successful franchises, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Thor, the God of Thunder, and in Netflix’s Extraction movie series. Aside from these franchises, he has also been part of other projects that have brought recognition to the actor’s craft.
Chris Hemsworth as Tyler Rake in Extraction
With Spiderhead and In the Heart of the Sea being examples of such work, there is no doubt that the actor is incredibly talented and thriving in what he does. What many might not know is that before Hemsworth rose to success, he had a small part in another iconic franchise that almost completely staggered his career.
Chris Hemsworth Had A Small Role In Star Trek Almost Ended His Career
Chris Hemsworth had a fantastic opportunity at the start of his career when he was cast in a small role in Star Trek. The actor appeared for a short appearance in the opening scene where he played Captain Kirk’s father, George Kirk. Though many might expect this to have been his big break into Hollywood life and the first step on his road to stardom, that was not the case for him, in fact, it was quite the opposite.
Chris Hemsworth
“I got a job pretty quick when I got to Hollywood, so I was very fortunate in that sense. Then I didn’t work for a while and I started to think it might not work out.”
Though getting the first job in the film industry is an incredibly difficult and monumental thing, maintaining one’s career and wanting to move forward to bigger and bigger opportunities is a challenge on its own. The actor revealed that after his work in this franchise very early on in his career, he was finding it quite difficult to find other jobs.
Chris Hemsworth Struggled With Anxiety After Working In Star Trek
Chris Hemsworth revealed that after working in the massively successful Star Trek franchise, he was not able to find any work whatsoever. He revealed that although he would go to auditions, he would suffer from a great deal of anxiety which would not allow him to perform his best. The more rejection he heard, the more anxious he got, the worse everything got for him.
Chris Hemsworth
“I had a huge amount of anxiety when I was auditioning, and that just got worse and worse the more I heard the word ‘no’. I did a lot of soul searching on a number of occasions, where I asked myself: ‘Why am I doing this? What’s my motivation to put myself through this?’”
He revealed that he had to look inward, do quite a lot of thinking, and ask himself the real reason why he wanted to pursue this profession. Calling it ‘soul searching’, the actor added that he has to also find the motivation to be able to handle all the rejection, which is quite a big part of being an actor.
Source: CinemaBlend