Kim and Khloe Kardashian slammed for ‘sick’ reaction to Kourtney’s pregnancy news as fans think they’re ‘jealous’

KIM Kardashian has been slammed along with her sister Khloe after fans think they had a bad reaction to Kourtney’s big news.

The Kardashian sisters reacted to Kourtney’s pregnancy news in the most recent episode of The Kardashians.

Khloe Kardashian has been slammed along with her sister Kim after fans think they had a bad reaction to Kourtney's big news

Khloe Kardashian has been slammed along with her sister Kim after fans think they had a bad reaction to Kourtney’s big newsCredit: Hulu

Fans say they were 'cold'

Fans say they were ‘cold’Credit: Hulu
Kourtney sat around a table alongside her sisters, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie Jenner, and handed out ultrasounds to announce her big news.

When the news was first shared, Khloe and Kim looked at each other and started whispering with little emotion visible on their faces.

Both Kendall and Kylie jumped up to hug their sister in congratulations, while Kim and Khloe held back.

The two sisters did eventually get up to hug their sister and admitted in a confessional that they were “so, so happy,” for Kourtney, but again did not smile for their sister.

Fans thought the interaction came across as cold and flooded to Reddit to give their opinions.


One fan wrote in the Kardashian catch-up thread: “Did anyone notice Kim’s cold reaction to Kourtney’s pregnancy news? it’s like she’s not happy for her sister.”

Another said: “Wow they weren’t happy for her at all. They have such an ugly aura/energy about them.”

A third added: “Kylie and Kendall seemed happy for her but kim and khloe seemed fake af.”

Someone noted: “’Let’s talk more on the ‘not Kourtney’ group text.’

“It was weird how the camera moved away when they started whispering (think that was Kris). Kim is probably plotting her fifth child because you know, she has to have the most of everything.”

A fifth simply wrote: “It was super cold.”

Another claimed their reaction was “Sick.”


This episode followed Kourtney speaking to Tristan Thompson about his cheating scandal in episode 8.

Kourtney said she’s seen TikTok videos where people admit they’re “narcissists, who have no empathy and who have no feelings.”

With a giggle, she then asked Tristan if he related to those videos.

He danced around the question and responded: “I get you feel that way, you’re her sister. For me, I want Khloe to be happy.”

The Lemme founder then takes the opportunity to ask him what his plans with Khloe are.

He responded: “Would I love to be with your sister and spend the rest of my life with her? Of course.

“My goal is to have my family back as a whole unit. Even though I never grew up with a happy household, I’ve always wanted it.

He continued: “But I’ve done things to put myself out of that.”

The Kardashian hit back by saying his “actions don’t match his words” and therefore it’s difficult to believe him.

The older sisters held back while the younger ones hugged Kourtney

The older sisters held back while the younger ones hugged KourtneyCredit: Hulu

Kendall and Kylie jumped up in excitement

Kendall and Kylie jumped up in excitementCredit: Hulu

Kourtney recently had a discussion with Tristan about his cheating on Khloe

Kourtney recently had a discussion with Tristan about his cheating on KhloeCredit: Hulu

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