Prepare to Be Amazed by This 3-Year-Old’s Adorable “Hallelujah” Duet with Big Sister Karolina!/sondinh/

‘Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor falls, the major lifts
The baffled king composing Hallelujah.’

Leonard Cohen’s timeless classic, written in 1984, continues to captivate audiences worldwide. In a heartwarming family performance, Karolina Protsenko showcases her talent on the violin alongside her two younger brothers, Leo, aged 5, and Nicholas, who is only 3 years old. Leo masterfully plays the piano, while little Nicholas charms everyone as he sings the heartfelt lyrics into a microphone. Spectators can’t help but smile and admire the siblings’ enchanting musical collaboration.


“That is just the cutest thing ever! Karolina’s violin was simply magical,” a YouTube commenter gushes after watching the performance.

“Absolutely incredible. These kids are bursting with talent! The way they embrace music is inspiring. I hope they carry this passion throughout their lives,” another fan remarks online.


Music is a cherished bond within the Protsenko family. Karolina, the eldest sibling, is a gifted violinist with a love for singing, reading, and baking. Her brother Leo has a natural ability to pick up any instrument and join in, and his piano skills truly shine in this performance. Nicholas, the youngest, adds his own magic with his sweet voice and loves being part of his family’s musical moments.

This delightful rendition of ‘Hallelujah’ by three siblings is sure to warm your heart. We hope it brings a smile to your face just as it has to so many others!

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