“Look at Kim Kardashian”: Saraya Chokes Up Recalling Her Father’s Reaction to Her Private Tape Leak

Saraya (Image Credits: The Sun)

Saraya (Image Credits: The Sun)

Saraya has had a rollercoaster journey in her professional career. While her career reached massive heights after being crowned as the youngest WWE Divas Champion, she was on the verge of giving up on her life after someone leaked her private tape online.

Some disgraceful fans often bring Saraya aka Paige’s to the surface even today. Despite the audience passing on some pathetic remarks about her, the 30-year-old was worried about how her family would react to the news of her tape leak. Talking to Chris Van Vliet, the former WWE star revealed how her father reacted to the news.

Paige was very attached to her dad growing up, and his opinion on the matter held a lot of significance. She called him at that moment and apologized for what she did and how it got public on the internet. Saraya choked up while recalling the supportive reaction her father had towards the same. “I don’t care” was what he instantly replied.

Saraya’s father said, “I don’t care. Look at Kim Kardashian. Everyone has done what you have done. You are just in the spotlight,” he told her. He further added, “So you had s*x. If they are mad about it then they are probably virgins”. Her entire family was by her side at all times and the tape leak didn’t matter to them. Instead, they said, “We just want to be there for you”.

WWE provided great help to Saraya during her tough time

Saraya as Paige in WWE (Image Credits- WWE)Saraya as Paige in WWE (Image Credits- WWE)
Saraya’s online video leak was the lowest time in her life that broke her deep within. However, she was also prone to alcohol and drug addiction during her WWE run. The management helped the budding star in all ways in overcoming the same.

The WWE authorities helped her get a therapist and become the more incredible version of who Paige was. She confessed that although she was signed to AEW now, there was nothing she’d hate about WWE. She also revealed that she loved her run in WWE, could see the truth in her eyes as she said so.

Saraya has made her AEW debut. She felt it was great to start something new in her life that would give her great freedom at things that WWE didn’t provide. Saraya doesn’t want to waste any single day of her life doing nothing and thus AEW seemed a great option.

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