Matt Riddle recently was on Signed by Superstars live stream, where he talked about Bray Wyatt, Brock Lesnar, Royal Rumble, and more.
Matt Riddle on meeting Brock Lesnar for the first time
“I can talk about the first time I met him. I did talk a lot of trash, so I had it kind of coming. But I thought it was all in good spirit and good fun, you know. Plus, I was on the Indies. I never even thought I’d get signed. So I’m at the Royal Rumble. This is my first time on the main roster. I’m super stoked.”
And I see Brock Lesnar. And he walks next to me. And I’m like, What’s up, dude? You know, like, Hey, and all of a sudden, his security guard, who I’m good friends with now, came up behind us. He goes. You need help with this? And I’m like, what? And then Brock grabs me by the neck and he didn’t like rag dog, but he grabbed me by the neck and then proceeded to tell me we would never work together and then keep my F***ing mouth shut.
And I go, Brock, ‘can’t force you to work with me. I would never do that. You know, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’ll just stir in the pot, dude’. That’s it. And then he walked away, and then a couple years later, we worked together in the Royal Rumble, and then we worked together in the Elimination Chamber. At the end of the day, he’s Brock Lesnar, dude.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit “Signed by Superstars” an h/t to WrestlingManiafan for the transcription.