Nelly bought luxury 9,000-square-foot mansion for his girlfriend Ashanti after she became pregnant

Cornell Iral Haynes Jr., better known as Nelly, is offering his unoccupied mansion in Wildwood, Missouri, for just $600,000.

The house was bought by the 46-year-old rapper in 2002 with the idea of selling it, but it appears that both the residence and the project have been shelved.

Nelly, who was born and raised in the St. Louis area, reportedly planned to remodel the house with the help of a friend who is a contractor, according to TMZ. Instead, the planned modifications were never started. For many years, the property has been in poor condition.

At this point, the “Ride with Me” rapper wants to cut his losses and move on from the venture. The house went on the market for sale for the first time on Thursday. The house had a startling $2,499,000 price tag when Nelly bought it. How much the performer paid for it, though, is unknown.

The 1998-built building is only a few minutes from the Hidden Valley Ski Resort in Eureka and around 30 miles from St. Louis. The 10,799 square foot, six-bedroom, seven-bathroom house sits on a 12-acre parcel of land.

The house has plenty of entertainment area, a private basketball court, a three-car garage, and a view of the Meramec River valley.

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