“One of the proudest moments I’ve ever had”: Freedom Fighters Used Sylvester Stallone’s $113M Cult-Classic to Free a Whole Country

Sylvester Stallone did an amazing job as Rambo, creating an entire franchise loved by every fan of his.

The movies were of great importance to the actor and playing the titular character while holding a big role in the making of the movie made it possible for him to make some integral decisions when it came to the actual making of the movie.
Sylvester StalloneSylvester Stallone
What was more integral to the actor was the massive impact the movie had throughout the world. He experienced things he never expected to and seeing how the world took his movie made Stallone proud of his work. It was more so a moment that he would never forget when his movie became iconic among freedom fighters.

Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo Was Loved By Freedom Fighters

Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo, when it was first released, was banned in several countries for the premise that the movie was based on. Burma, now known as Myanmar had banned the movie completely because of the ongoing conflicts in the country. That was also because of just how impactful the movie was to the soldiers and freedom fighters in the country.
Sylvester Stallone in Rambo First Blood Part 2Sylvester Stallone in Rambo First Blood Part 2
“That, to me, is one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had in film.”
The movie was a significant piece for Burmese freedom fighters as they would use dialogues of the movie as chants and war cries. This was something that made the actor extremely proud and he could not begin to describe just how much he admired the love that his movie was getting in a country that required a lot of hope. One dialogue that lived on throughout the crowd was “Live for nothing, or die for something.”  Stallone was taken aback by just how wonderful his movie was to the freedom fighters and how it served a purpose for them rather than as a means of entertainment or awareness.

Sylvester Stallone Purposely Chose To Set Rambo In Myanmar (Burma)

Sylvester Stallone did not want to highlight conflicts that were already public knowledge when it came to creating a premise for Rambo. He wanted to focus on conflicts that were not as highlighted by the media and were being purposefully ignored. Such was the case with Myanmar (Burma).
Sylvester StalloneSylvester Stallone
There were various conflicts going on while the filming of the movie was happening. Whether it is in the Middle East, Latin America, or Africa, the actor chose to construct his movie around Myanmar and bring to light a conflict that was being overlooked by the entire world.

Source: IMDb

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