Taylor Swift’s New Privacy Measures Reflect Her ‘Intense’ Level of Fame

When Taylor Swift began her Eras Tour on March 17, 2023, her team put together a specific level of safety protocols that made sense for her at the time. As her fame has skyrocketed to superstar status, her management has had to make serious changes to keep her, and boyfriend Travis Kelce, safe.

We don’t want to diminish any of the 34-year-old musician’s talents — she got to the A+ list all on her own — but the curiosity surrounding her relationship with the charismatic NFL player certainly added more focus to her personal life. “Taylor has been A-list for a long time now but since she started dating Travis, the frenzy surrounding them has made it nearly impossible for her to go anywhere without getting surrounded,” a Life & Style insider revealed. Just to have any normalcy in her life, Swift has gone to great lengths to hide in plain sight.

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have dinner at Waverly Inn on October 15, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have dinner at Waverly Inn on October 15, 2023 in New York City.
“She’s always been into dressing up in disguises, partly for fun because she likes to be out without getting recognized, and partly because she values her privacy when she needs it, but now it’s almost a matter of safety,” they added. Calling some of the attention “scary,” Swift and Kelce find the spotlight “pretty overwhelming” at time. A recent TikTok video showed how concert security has even changed during the European leg of her tour. A guard now follows her choreography as she moves around the stage, but he never looks at her — it’s all about keeping his eyes on the audience in front of him.

While that safety addition may seem over the top, it probably means that her security team found it necessary to add to their protocol list. They aren’t taking any chances! Even the Kansas City Chiefs have put measures in place to support her team. “Obviously, anywhere she goes is a security issue,” Kansas City Chiefs Chairman Clark Hunt told the New York Post. “It’s something that we’ve helped her security team handle when she comes to games in Kansas City, and I know the visiting teams that we’ve played this year where she’s shown up have had to do the same thing. She has a really talented security team. They liaise with our security team, and we make sure we get her into and out of the stadium safely.”

Hopefully, Swift and Kelce are offered some level of privacy beyond the walls of their own homes. They deserve the opportunity to have a somewhat normal life instead of being stuck in the bubble of fame. Let’s hope all of the Swifties respect that level of privacy!

Before you go, click to see all of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s cutest PDA moments.


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