Scarlett Johansson Was Ashamed After Working With Elizabeth Olsen For the First Time in $1.3 Billion Movie

Apart from the stunning yet dangerous Black Widow, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was full of male superheroes.

However, as time went by female superheroes started emerging left and right, starting with Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch. The addition of Wanda was not only appreciated by the fans, but Scarlett Johansson, too, was a big fan of the move.
The original 6 AvengersThe original 6 Avengers
Scarlett Johansson once stated that Elizabeth Olsen’s entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought a bit of homeostasis to the superhero world by bringing testosterone levels down. Both actresses have nothing but kind words for each other and were glad to be working together on the movies. In fact, Scarlett Johansson was so amazed by her co-star that she felt as though Elizabeth Olsen’s passion brought her to shame.

Elizabeth Olsen’s Work Brought Scarlett Johansson to Shame

Scarlett Johansson as Black WidowScarlett Johansson as Black Widow
In an interview with Sirius XM, Scarlett Johansson went on and on about Elizabeth Olsen and couldn’t stop complimenting the actress. She started off by stating how much of a relief it was to have another woman in the MCU apart from herself and Cobie Smulders adding that the testosterone levels were too high before.
“It was so great when Lizzie came on because, y’know, we had [Cobie Smulders.] It was basically the two of us kind of holding down the fort. And then when Lizzie came on it semi-balanced out. It was very heavy on the testosterone for a very long time, and now it has like…it calibrated.”
The Lucy actress then stated that she was “amazed” to see what Olsen could do on the sets. And while it’s not as if playing Black Widow was a piece of cake, Johansson believes that Olsen’s portrayal of Wanda brought her work to shame.
“What she was doing was so hard. Even the physicality of what she was doing was so hard that I would work with her, and I was amazed at what she was creating out of nothing. That she created this whole…again, this physicality. And her character has such a sensuality to her, and she has such a passion. I was amazed by it. It put me to shame.”
Well, it sure looks like Johansson is a part of the Olsen fan club. And who wouldn’t be? The woman somehow manages to steal the spotlight every time she is on screen (Watch: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness). Olsen’s MCU debut, Age of Ultron went on to make $1.3 billion at the box office.

Elizabeth Olsen Reciprocates Scarlett Johansson’s Feelings

Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet WitchElizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch
Talking to Variety, Olsen stated that when she started off in the MCU, she would look up to Johansson who had already made her mark as Black Widow. Apart from her effortless acting, the thing that struck out the most to Olsen was how Johansson would act with the crew.
“I remember being on Ultron and seeing how she was with the crew and I was just amazed by her ease and her comfort and how she includes the crew in everything and how she makes everyone excited to come to work and I’ve really taken that into my life since then.”
Both Johansson and Olsen are “amazed” by each other and who can tell them not to be? Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch have donated something or the other to the MCU which makes their characters unforgettable. Now that it has been a while since Black Widow sacrificed herself for the greater good, fans have put a lot of hope into Wanda. After Multiverse of Madness, we cannot wait to see what Wanda is up to next!

You can stream Avengers: Age of Ultron on Disney+.

Source: Sirius XM

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