On Monday, during Paris Fashion Week, Selena Gomez left her luxurious hotel with a beaming smile on her face. The 31-year-old singer flaunted her curves in a plunging black bodysuit paired with trousers and a stunning silver belt that emphasized her waistline. She completed the chic look with a blazer and stylish heels while adding some glamour with silver jewelry. Selena’s long brunette tresses were styled poker straight, and she opted for a bold green eyeshadow look with a swipe of nude lipstick. On Sunday evening, she was spotted watching a football match with friends Brooklyn Beckham and his wife Nicola Peltz.
Radiant: Selena Gomez sported a bright smile as she exited her luxurious Parisian hotel on Monday, amidst the bustling Fashion Week.
The 31-year-old singer was recently spotted wearing a plunging black bodysuit with trousers and a silver belt that accentuated her waistline. She, along with her friends, watched Paris Saint Germain win against Olympique Marseille 4-0 at The Parc des Princes Stadium. Selena wore a figure-hugging long-sleeved leopard print maxi dress for the match and was seen laughing and chatting with her billionaire businessman friend Nelson Peltz’s daughter, Nicola, and her boyfriend Brooklyn throughout the game. On her Instagram Story, Selena shared a fun selfie of the trio at the stadium, where she leaned down on Nicola’s lap while holding her hand over her face and laughing. In an earlier mirror selfie, Selena flaunted her curves in the leopard print number with a pal. Nicola and Selena formed a close bond in September last year and started posting about each other on social media towards the end of 2022.
Selena Gomez has been enjoying herself lately, having spent quality time with her good friends Brooklyn Beckham and his wife Nicola Peltz. The trio even celebrated the New Year together in Mexico, where Selena and Nicola got matching angel tattoos to commemorate their friendship. Their playful banter on social media has led to jokes about being a “throuple,” which Brooklyn addressed during an appearance on The Jennifer Hudson Show in March. Despite the jokes, the group clearly values each other’s company and enjoys spending time together as close pals.
Buddies: In late 2022, Nicola and Selena began exchanging posts on social media after quickly hitting it off in September. These two have formed a strong bond and regularly hang out with Brooklyn.
In a previous interview with Cosmopolitan UK, Nicola shared how she and Selena became friends, revealing that they hit it off right away. They had met briefly a few years back, but it wasn’t until they attended the Academy Gala in September that their friendship truly blossomed. Nicola couldn’t help but rave about Selena’s personality, describing her as her “soul sister” and one of the most incredible people she’s ever encountered. She also mentioned how Selena has been a pillar of support for her over the years, and how lucky she feels to have her in her life.