It is somehow hard to imagine how the big stars of Hollywood did some mischievous acts during their childhood, especially stealing. People find it amusing to get to know about all such deeds by their favorite film stars. Two such celebrities are Dwayne Johnson and Sylvester Stallone.
Sylvester Stallone Documentary "Sly"Sylvester Stallone Documentary “Sly”
While Johnson used to steal king-sized Snickers bars from a convenience store every day for nearly a year when he was a kid, Stallone in the Netflix documentary Sly said how he never paid for a movie ticket during his childhood.


Sylvester Stallone Talks About How He Snuck Into Every Movie Without Paying for Ticket

Sly, a new documentary about Sylvester Stallone, directed by Thom Zimny, who has previously directed documentaries about music artists such as Bruce Springsteen has a fascinating look at Stallone’s life and career. It is well-made and informative, and it features some great interviews with Stallone and his friends and family.

It is about his remarkable journey as an actor, emphasizing how rejection served as his motivation. Stallone said, “I’m in the hope business.”
Sylvester Stallone Documentary "Sly"
Sylvester Stallone Documentary “Sly”
Talking about his initial days in Sly Stallone said how he with his friend John Herzfeld snuck into theaters to watch movies without paying for tickets.
I got a job as an usher. I could watch films all day long…I wrote and wrote for couple years until I had 15/16 screenplays.”
Stallone added:
John and I, we were definitely on a different wavelength, wanting to write our own stuff. So, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday was spent with a bottle of Boone’s farm wine. Never went to a bar, a restaurant, a club. That’s when the writing really started..We’d discuss aspirations, dreams. But also movies. We would break in, sneak in somehow, to every movie in New York. Never paid for a ticket, ever.
Elsewhere, the documentary depicts how he faced difficulties in maintaining his family while pursuing his filmmaking passion.


Dwayne Johnson Stole Snickers Bar When He Was 14

Dwayne Johnson, the actor and former professional wrestler on his Instagram once told how he used to steal chocolate from a local shop when he couldn’t afford it.

Explaining those days, Johnson said from outside the shop:

I have been waiting decades to do what I’ve been getting ready to do now.”
Johnson continued: “When I was 14 years old, every day I used to stop here at this 7-11 and steal a king-sized Snicker bar because I couldn’t afford to buy one.”
Dwayne Johnson in Black AdamDwayne Johnson in Black Adam
That was my pre-workout food. I did that for almost a year every day. I had to return and buy every Snickers bar on those shelves.”
It seems like, it’s not only us who have done these mischievous acts. Even the Hollywood A-listers did something like this during their childhood and recalling such incidents is a reminder of how far they have come in life.

Sly is streaming on Netflix.