Taylor Swift Allegedly Takes a Dig at Harry Styles Over Their Breakup in 1989’s Hit Song

The song “Is It Over Now” featured lyrics that hint at a very problematic relationship with Harry Styles.

As Taylor Swift just released her new 1989 (Taylor’s Version), the fans couldn’t wait a bit to dig interesting easter eggs from the re-recorded album. The 2014 album titled 1989 was a massive hit and played a crucial role in Swift’s career. Despite never being confirmed, it is often said that Harry Styles was the main inspiration behind the album.

The topic is a subject of discussion among the Swifties once again as we got some new “From the Vault” tracks in the re-recorded album. It is rumored that certain lyrics from the new set of songs openly hint at Taylor Swift’s relationship with the Dunkirk actor.
Taylor Swift with Harry StylesTaylor Swift with Harry Styles
The track Is It Over Now? generated all the gossip when the fans delved deep into the lyrics and concluded that it was allegedly taking a dig at the former One Direction fame.

Did Taylor Swift mention Harry Styles in her latest track?

The Swifties are often spotted digging out the most minute details from the 33-year-old’s tracks. It is repeatedly said that Taylor Swift‘s album 1989 openly addressed her short-lived romance with Harry Styles. Although none of them ever admitted it directly, tracks like Out of the Woods and Style made it almost evident to the fans.
Taylor Swift's 1989 (Taylor's Version)1989 (Taylor’s Version)
1989 (Taylor’s Version) is the fourth of her six planned re-recordings. Among the new songs that are featured in the latest album, Is It Over Now garnered massive attention from the listeners. The song featured lyrics that hint at a very problematic relationship-
“Was it over when she laid down on your couch?

Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?”
The fans instantly took note of the lines and couldn’t wait to join the threads. The first lyrics of the second verse “When you lost control / Red blood, white snow” painted a clearer picture. It reminded the fans of the lines from Out of the Woods where Swift said- “Remember when you hit the brakes too soon? 20 stitches in a hospital room”

The former couple was allegedly involved in a snowmobile accident. Things became more interesting as the track proceeded to the immediate next line “Blue dress on a boat”. It referenced the infamous photograph by Daily Mail where the Grammy-winner was spotted alone in a boat in a royal blue dress after she and Styles reportedly called it quits during a vacation.

A look at Taylor Swift and Harry Styles’ relationship

taylor swiftHarry Styles and Taylor Swift speak during the 65th Grammy Awards
The relationship between Taylor Swift and Harry Styles was indeed a short one but with attracted immense attention. In November 2012, the dating rumors came out to the public after the two were spotted together on various occasions. The rumors were proved true in December when the couple was spotted at New York City’s Central Park Zoo.

Later it was confirmed by the Watermelon Sugar singer that it was only their second date. Sadly, the relationship saw a very quick end in January 2013 when the two reportedly had a major fight during their vacation in the British Virgin Islands. Soon after Swift was spotted leaving alone in a boat, People confirmed-
“They were on holiday and had an almighty row. They are two young stars at the top of their game so who knows what will happen in the future.”
When 1989 was released in 2014, she reportedly faced the question of Harry Styles’ reference in the album. In an interview with Rolling Stones, she teased the idea of the reference and joked about the song Style– “We should have just called it ‘I’m Not Even Sorry.’”

On the other hand, Harry Styles has said to Rolling Stones that he felt lucky to have inspired the songs, if it was the case- “I’m lucky if everything [we went through] helped create those songs”. They were also spotted having a friendly interaction earlier this year at the Grammys and it was indeed surprising for their fans to spot Styles in a Taylor Swift track once again.

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