Taylor Swift celebrates her good fortune with the road crew as truck drivers receive a $100,000 incentive

According to American media sites, Swift has handed them a total of $55 million (€49.9 million) in extra payments, guaranteeing that everyone on the road with Taylor is motivated and very happy.

Swift is the only singer to have sold out six consecutive SoFi Stadium gigs (Matt Crossick/PA).

Taylor Swift is one of the biggest pop performers on the planet right now, with her Eras Tour selling out across America and around the world, but she’s also proven to have one of the biggest hearts.

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Swift (33), who has been on tour since March, has been a kind boss, lavishing eye-watering bonuses on her road staff.

Taylor, whose three gigs at Dublin’s Aviva Stadium next summer sold out in seconds, has already been on tour with the show in America – and is making a fortune.

Taylor Swift wore David Koma @ The Graham Norton Show | Digital Magazine

But she’s sharing her good fortune with everyone on her crew, from truck drivers to caterers and production personnel to back-up dancers on the Eras Tour in the United States.

According to American media sites, Swift has handed them a total of $55 million (€49.9 million) in extra payments, guaranteeing that everyone on the road with Taylor is motivated and very happy.

According to the American celebrity news website TMZ, Swift gave each of her tour production truck drivers a $100,000 (€91,000) bonus check, spending at least $5 million on bonus checks in total.

Taylor Swift Confirms a Midnights Tour Is 'Going to Happen'

In fact, Swift spent more money on incentive checks than the majority of tours make in total. According to Billboard year-end data, just 35 tours (all genres) grossed more than $55 million (€50 million) in total in 2022.

Swift, whose fortune is reported to be in the region of €700 million, has shared her wealth before, according to Forbes magazine.

Taylor Swift and Eddie Redmayne recount Les Miserables film screen test | Shropshire Star

Swift has been making “generous donations” to food banks in numerous locations throughout America on her first tour since 2018, including Glendale, Arizona, Las Vegas, and Atlanta. There has been no public revelation of the amount of money Swift has donated, however a food bank in Tampa said that Swift gave them enough money to “place over 125,000 meals on tables.”

Swift and her mother gave the entire $50,000 GoFundMe goal in March 2021 to help a family whose father died of Covid-19.

Swift also donated $13,000 to another GoFundMe in December 2020 to support a mother who was mentioned in the Washington Post for trying to pay bills during the pandemic. Swift commented beside her gift that the woman was brave to tell her tale and that she felt for her sufferings over the previous year.

with March 2020, the singer-songwriter donated a million dollars to the Middle Tennessee Emergency Response Fund to aid with recovery work following tornadoes that killed 24 people and destroyed homes in several counties in Nashville.

TAYLOR SWIFT at Graham Norton Show in London 10/27/2022 – HawtCelebs

Swift donated to two different organizations for sexual assault survivors in 2018 and 2017 after winning her own sexual assault case against a Denver DJ who touched her in 2013.

Swift’s Eras Tour is expected to gross a record-breaking $1.4 billion by the time it concludes in August of next year, propelling her to billionaire status.

Taylor Swift will perform in Dublin’s Aviva Stadium on August 28, 29, and 30.

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