Will Smith’s victory night at the Oscars 2022 turned into a complete nightmare after he slapped Chris Rock. Many celebrities were extremely unhappy with Smith’s behavior towards the comedian. Although many actors chose to stay quiet about Smith and Rock’s controversy at the Oscars 2022, celebrities like Mila Kunis and Steve Harvey chose to stand up against the Emancipation Actor.
Steve Harvey talks about Will Smith and Chris Rock controversy
Harvey wasn’t happy with Smith’s violent reaction towards Rock on the night of the Oscars and he had many things to say about the controversy.
Steve Harvey lost respect for Will Smith after the 2022 Oscars
Steve Harvey at an event
Harvey was blunt and honest about his views over Will Smith and Chris Rock’s altercation at the Oscars. The 66-year-old host wasn’t pleased with Smith’s actions and said he “lost a lot of respect for him.” According to Harvey, Smith slapping the 58-year-old comedian was a “Punk Move” which made him look like an aggressive person in front of the world.
Harvey talked about the Smith and Rock slap controversy at Georgia State University. While talking about how he would have reacted if he was in Rock’s shoes, the host explained he would have fought back. Harvey said in a statement,
“I’m a Christian, but I’m really undeveloped. I don’t have high-level Christianity. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m like a 2. That’s the level of Christianity I can work on.”
He further added,
“You slap T.D. Jakes, he’ll turn the other cheek. You slap me? If you sit back in your seat, Jada Will’s wife would have to move out of the way. That’s the type of Christian I am.”
Will Smith’s 9-year-old nephew asked him why he slapped Chris Rock
Will Smith slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars 2022
Smith apologized to the Spiral actor after he understood how unacceptable his actions were. But the comedian refused to accept the Men In Black actor’s apology. Smith wanted to talk to Rock, but as per reports, his close ones suggested to Smith it wasn’t the right time to talk about it with the comedian.
In an interview, Smith talked about how he realized that what he did at the Oscars was not acceptable. The Emancipation actor’s 9-year-old nephew asked him about his altercation with Rock, which made him feel ashamed of his actions. While talking about how his nephew asked him, Smith said,
“He’s the sweetest little boy. We came home and he had stayed up late to see his Uncle Will, and we’re sitting in my kitchen, and he’s on my lap and he’s holding the Oscar, and he’s just like, ‘Why did you hit that man, Uncle Will?’ It was a mess.”
While talking to Trevor Noah on his show about his infamous controversy, Smith said he wasn’t himself that night. He was full of rage on the night of the Oscars and he lost his composure. He further explained that these statements don’t justify his actions.