The One Advice From His Father That Steered Michael Jordan Onto the Right Path After a Troubled Year at School

The legacy that Michael Jordan has built over the years is undeniable. He is well-known throughout the globe, and it was he who revolutionized basketball. Michael’s NBA career started after he was selected by Chicago Bulls in the 1984 NBA draft.

He officially played for a long 15 years, however, basketball always had his heart. Just like every famous person, Michael also had his wake-up call, luckily it was sooner in his life. It was none other than his dad, James Jordan who set him on the right path.
Michael Jordan, Deloris Jordan, and James JordanMichael Jordan, Deloris Jordan, and James Jordan (Credits- People Magazine)
The popular ESPN’s ‘The Last Dance‘ featured a heart-whelming clip in an episode wherein Michael talks about his dad. He refers to James as his rock and expressed how they were very close. Then he goes on to narrate a specific event that changed him.




Michael said, “I remember in the ninth grade I got suspended three times in one year and my father pulled me aside that summer and said, ‘Look, you don’t look like you’re headed in the right direction. … You wanna go about doing all this, you can forget sports”.

He continued, “That’s all I needed to hear. I never got in trouble from that point on”. James always looked out for Michael and was determined to instill sincerity and hard work from an early age. The incident led to Michael working on himself and moving on the right path. This ultimately got him to the NBA ground, and he went on to become one of the greatest players known.

Michael Jordan’s relationship with his dad James Jordan

Michael and James shared a close-knitted relationship that was built on the foundation of respect and trust. From 1991 up until 1993, James was present and cheering for Michael’s consecutive NBA championship win. With the last one being very close to when he was murdered.




James was killed when he was sleeping peacefully in his parked car in Robeson County, North Carolina. He went missing on July 23, 1993, after leaving a party by driving himself, his body was found almost three weeks later.

It was really hard for the Bulls star to bring himself to believe that he lost not only lost his dad but also his biggest cheerleader. He revealed that he “felt naked” after his first game post his dad’s death as he “just wasn’t there”. This speaks volumes about the relationship that the two shared.


Furthermore, on Father’s Day in 1996, Michael was playing in his fourth NBA finals. After securing another championship title, he dedicated this win to James. He broke down on the locker room floor.

In a post-game interview, Michael expressed his feelings on Father’s Day. He stated, “I can’t even put it in words, on Father’s Day, what it means to me. I know he’s watching”. The bond between Michael and James was so special, and it is clearly evident how much the Bulls star misses his dad. He mentions and credits him for his achievements from time to time, and is indeed keeping him and his memories alive in his heart.

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