Hollywood is currently going through a whirlwind situation following the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strikes. Several actors are purposefully keeping themselves away from any sort of involvement. But a few renowned faces like Keanu Reeves’ The Matrix co-star Lambert Wilson came in support of his US colleagues, even from afar.
Lambert Wilson

Lambert Wilson
Having first-hand experience with what Artificial Intelligence can do, during his time serving the Matrix video game, Enter the Matrix, Lambert Wilson shared his concerns. Being an eyewitness to the capabilities of AI, Keanu Reeves’ co-star thus expressed his decision to stand in solidarity with his colleagues who are manning the SAG-AFTRA picket lines.

Lambert Wilson Supports His Colleagues During SAG-AFTRA Strikes 

The entertainment industry is currently facing tumultuous times with actors and writers coming together and fighting against the studios for using new technology to make them obsolete. Coming in support of his US colleagues who are a vital part of the SAG-AFTRA strikes, Keanu Reeves‘ The Matrix co-star Lambert Wilson discussed his decision with The Hollywood Reporter.
Lambert WilsonLambert Wilson stood in solidarity with his US colleagues
I am on their side [the SAG strikers], 100 percent. I am also a SAG member, but since I am not a U.S. resident, I am exempt from the strike, but during the final night of the festival, I plan to show solidarity with my colleagues.”
Discussing why he believes the strikes are crucial and sharing his reasons for supporting his colleagues, Wilson stressed his fear of Artificial Intelligence. After embodying a highly evolved AI, Merovingian, in the Matrix saga, Lambert Wilson seems to have realized a bit more about the dangers of an AI-dominated future.
Lambert WilsonWilson expressed his concerns about AI AI-dominated future
I think this struggle is crucial for our future. We are now being manipulated as artists and viewers. They hide the essentials from us, they don’t tell us what the real audience is, how they are “selling” us, or what we are really earning for them.”

Keanu Reeves’ Co-star Is Concerned About The AI Dominated Future  

Keanu Reeves’ French co-star Lambert Wilson played the role of Merovingian, a sinister, and artificial intelligence in the Matrix movies. Yet, the actor seems to be super serious when he expresses his concern surrounding the rise of Artificial Intelligence. Being scared of the capabilities of AI, Wilson thus expressed his decision to stand with his colleagues.
Keanu Reeves’ The MatrixLambert Wilson in The Matrix saga
Further, the actor shared his first-hand experience with Artificial Intelligence, while he was working with the creators of the Matrix video game, Enter the Matrix. During his interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lambert Wilson mentioned why he is so afraid of an AI-dominated future.
Regarding artificial intelligence, I am an eyewitness. When they made the Matrix video game, Enter the Matrix, they kept me for a day making all kinds of expressions to capture and replicate using motion-capture techniques, then another day recording as many words as possible so that my avatar would be perfect.”
Lambert WilsonLambert Wilson shared his first-hand experience with AI
Wilson eventually brought up the most concerning question surrounding Artificial Intelligence and discussed how AI could wage war against humanity within seconds.
What will happen to that other self? He could happily declare a war, using my face and voice. And here we’re talking about 20 years ago. So, I stand with my U.S. colleagues. I believe they are fighting a battle of civilization, after which nothing will ever be the same. Who wins will decide a lot, not only about cinema but about our future.”
Concluding his conversation, after sharing his genuine concerns, Lambert Wilson simply hoped for the best.