Roseanne Barr Plans to Conduct a Self-Interview to Explain ‘What Happened & Why’ in a Detailed and Personal Disclosure-nhung

Roseanne Barr at the 'Roseanne' Press Conference at the Four Seasons HotelVera Anderson/WireImage/Getty Images.

In a bewildering yet oh-so-intriguing turn of events, Roseanne Barr has come up with her own plan to rehabilitate her public image and attempt to get back into everyone’s good graces. Barr has announced on her Twitter account that she is planning to interview herself about her motivations to post the racist tweet that ultimately led to her getting fired from the Roseanne reboot by ABC execs.

Barr made the announcement on Monday night using her social media platform of choice, Twitter, to tell the world that interviews with other people feel too stressful for her and her fans. Instead, she’d rather interview herself, promising to post the finished interview to her YouTube channel later in the week.

The news came quickly on the heels of a tweet in which Barr said she was doing a TV interview sometime this week. She did not reveal which outlet she’d chosen for the interview but thanked her fans for being her support during her ordeal. About 30 minutes later, she posted again to show off a new look for her hair, choosing not to comment with updates on the interview plans.

The only interview she’s given since the scandal broke was with a friend, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, according to ABC News. During that, she took responsibility for her tweet, saying she understood why it caused so much pain and it made her sick to think that she had done that. But she also commented that she’ll never stop her strong, controversial statements.

“When ABC hired me, they asked me to get off Twitter, ’cause I’m always saying things, right?” Barr recalled. “And I told them, ‘I promise I will get off Twitter.’ They said ’cause you’ll shoot yourself in the foot if you’re on there, and my kids took it away from me, and the whole thing ’cause they said, ‘Mom, you have to stop.’”

Barr ended her statement with an adamant admission: “I cannot [stop]. If I were to do that, I would rather be dead. I can’t do that. So if [ABC wanted] to hire me, [they needed to] know that. I will never stop.”

After the Roseanne spinoff, The Connors, was announced in June, Barr said in a statement to ABC News, “I regret the circumstances that have caused me to be removed from Roseanne. I agreed to the settlement in order that 200 jobs of beloved cast and crew could be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved.”

The star has been so vocal about her remorse over the offensive comment she made that it feels a little strange that she won’t agree to do a real interview. Frankly, this whole new idea just sounds like an expressive meditation session with Barr digging into just the parts of her story that she wants viewers to hear. Stay tuned. We may see it; we may not.

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