Weird $723M Movie Audition That Nearly Got Scarlett Johansson Replaced as Black Widow

For decades, Scarlett Johansson has been entertaining her audience with her big and small roles in several acclaimed projects. Initially starting out as a child actor, Johansson famously appeared in the third sequel of Home Alone. However, throughout her career, the Oscar-nominated actress faced multiple rejections and even served as a second option for certain roles. 
Scarlett JohanssonScarlett Johansson
Evidently, there was a time when Scarlett Johansson auditioned for two acclaimed projects but got refused twice. Initially auditioning for the $723M Gravity movie, Johansson lost the role to Sandra Bullock. Thereafter, the actress almost pledged to quit her acting career, until she got her big break as a second option in the MCU.

Scarlett Johansson Almost Quit Her Career After Losing Gravity 

Being a part of Hollywood since an early age, Scarlett Johansson is well aware of the killer competition in the entertainment industry. Especially after being rejected from several acclaimed projects during her initial years, Johansson spoke profoundly about her heartbreaks and triumphs throughout her career.
Scarlett JohanssonJohansson faced rejections from several acclaimed projects
In an interview with Variety, the actress opened up about the time when she almost decided to quit her career, after facing multiple rejections. Following her appearance in Home Alone and Lost in Translation, Johansson went to audition for the role of Ryan in Gravity. However, despite her intense dedication, the actress lost the role to Sandra Bullock.
Scarlett JohanssonJohansson almost quit acting after losing Gravity to Bullock
Feeling frustrated by the rejection, Scarlett Johansson mentioned, “I had wanted that role so much. It was sort of the straw that broke the camel’s back. I felt really frustrated and hopeless. Like, ‘Am I doing the right job?’”. She further recalled her bizarre audition, “I sort of [had to] pretend I was kind of like floating in space. Even though I was just sitting in a chair with a helmet on”.

MCU’s Infamous Role Was A Career Savior For Scarlett Johansson  

Despite pouring herself into the role of Ryan during the strange audition, Scarlett Johansson was replaced by Sandra Bullock in the $723M movie. That’s when the actress started doubting her potential. However, it wasn’t just Gravity that caused Johansson to feel incompetent about herself, but also her infamous MCU role as Black Widow.
Scarlett Johansson Johansson almost lost her MCU role to Emily Blunt
Scarlett Johansson suffered her lowest point in her career when she faced the initial rejection after auditioning for the role of Black Widow. Apparently, MCU studios reportedly preferred Emily Blunt over Johansson. However, after Blunt dropped out of Jon Favreau’s Iron Man 2, the Oscar-nominated actress was hired in the role of Natasha Romanoff.
“The best call you can receive is after you are rejected for something and then you get it. You appreciate it more. I’ve basically made a career out of being second choice” Johansson claimed.
Scarlett Johansson as Black WidowScarlett Johansson as Black Widow
Speaking with Parade, the actress thus mentioned how she turned the tables and proved her potential in the industry after she got her million-dollar role in MCU. Despite being the second choice for the role of Black Widow, Johansson made full utilization of the opportunity and changed her career trajectory.

Source: Variety, Parade

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