Were Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s NSFW comments on RAW in 2002 true? Know the truth

In the history of professional wrestling, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have had more influence than any other duo. The power couple was the staple of WWE programming throughout the years.

The pair exchanged wedding vows in 2003, but their love story began far before that. Several different on-screen angles focused on their relationship.

Do you remember this segment between the two?

One such on-screen angle was performed in 2002 when the powerful duo was involved in an NSFW segment on RAW.

In 2002, after recovering from a torn quad injury, Triple H began to display signs that he was sick of his wife’s scheming. Stephanie suggested that they renew their wedding vows and mentioned that she was expecting their first child because she felt there were problems in their marriage. The Cerebral Assassin enthusiastically agreed.

In the following week, as they were performing the ceremony on screen, the Game got a call from Linda McMahon, who said Stephanie had lied to him about the pregnancy. Hunter then declared their marriage null and void and tossed away his ring during the ceremony.

Stephanie then allied with Chris Jericho, who was slated to compete against HHH at WrestleMania 18. As a betrayed ex-wife, she tried to get under HHH’s skin by making him envious of her partnership with Jericho, which prompted her to make repeated secret remarks and indiscreet comments about their romantic affinities in bed.

Stephanie began by remarking that The Game occasionally fell short in the bedroom. Triple H viciously countered that perhaps the pitch on which he was playing was simply too big. Triple H went one step further and dropped the bombshell that even the Boeing 747 seems relatively insignificant when you’re flying over the Grand Canyon.

This angle was purely kayfabe leading up to WrestleMania to drum up excitement for the match.

Triple H and Stephanie don’t perform in the ring anymore

The Game, who had a long and successful career as a professional wrestler, announced his retirement from wrestling in 2021. This was primarily due to his severe heart complications, which precipitated The Game’s unexpected decrease in health and well-being.

Stephanie McMahon resigned from the business earlier this year upon her father’s return to the company, saying she wanted to spend more time with Levesque and the couple’s children.

At this time, Triple H has taken over the position of WWE’s Chief Content Officer since July 2022. Levesque’s appointment marks the end of McMahon’s tenure in that role.

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