“When things become too familiar, audience seem to check out”: Chris Hemsworth Signals Marvel Exit if $31B Franchise Doesn’t Reinvent Itself

In a shadowy indication that seems all too familiar, Chris Hemsworth is now hinting at giving up his role as the Marvel superhero Thor despite what it will mean for the franchise’s legacy. The CBM universe that blessed the screens since 2008 has accumulated a steady momentum and fanbase over the years.

However, recently there only seems to be ubiquitous criticism spewed at the most recently released Marvel projects for their lack of quality and the loss of the shock factor when it comes to acts of heroism.

Thor in Avengers: Infinity WarThor in Avengers: Infinity War

Chris Hemsworth Wants Marvel To Reinvent Itself

As genial and charming as he may be off-screen, Chris Hemsworth takes a new shape and form once he steps on board a new action film, be it on Marvel or Netflix. The Aussie actor’s ability to lead an action franchise was proven beyond doubt when he stepped on screen as the Nordic hammer-wielding thunderous god, Thor, in Marvel’s eponymous film in 2011.

However, while the overall MCU has shifted and evolved over the years, its stories and protagonists coming together so seamlessly until the end of the Infinity Saga, one aspect of it all has remained unchanged throughout – the development of new angles in stories with the old gods and heroes. And that fact has been nagging on Hemsworth too it seems.
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
While filming Extraction 2, the star opened up to Entertainment Weekly, saying “When things become too familiar and too similar to what you’ve done, the audience — and myself — seem to check out.” And even though it was said in the context of Extraction and action films, it applies more to Marvel than it does to any other superhero franchise.

Chris Hemsworth’s Attempts To Try His Hand At New Things

Despite serving as the longest-running Thor (for over a decade now), Chris Hemsworth’s feelings are a bit more resentful toward the character than hopeful. With four solo films to his name and four additional Avengers films, Hemsworth lobbies for something new and fresh and gets excited at the prospect of putting his talents out there once again. While the star can surely capitalize on his Marvel fame, he is not only reluctant to do so but wants to establish himself as something completely new and different than the persona and the kind of action figure he molded into during his years at Marvel.
Chris Hemsworth in Extraction 2Chris Hemsworth in Extraction 2
As Tyler Rake, he gets to reinvent himself as a mercenary turned reluctant protector/hero who launches a one-man mission to take down every evil that stands between his assignment and the path of the story.

As for Thor, his last run had been in the Phase Four film, Thor: Love and Thunder which raked in over $760.9 million at the box office and was directed by Taika Waititi.

Extraction 2 is now available for streaming on Netflix.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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