Apparently, Martin Lawrence is not going through a great moment

Mashup image of Will smith and Martin Lawrence

Although Will Smith has gone through some major issues recently, he is not experiencing the same type of problems that comedian Martin Lawrence had to endure. Between 1996 and 1999, the comedian had two famous incidents wherehe ended up at a hospital due to extreme exhaustion and dehydration. He even fell on a coma for three days, worrying absolutely everybody around him. During the press tour for the new ‘Bad Boys’ film, there have been some videos where he seems slightly desoriented and unwell. But Martin Lawrence has been asked about this recently and keeps saying he is quite healthy. Will smith seems to be going out of his way supporting Lawrence, especially during difficult times.

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Will and Martin making tacos and Martin “silently crying for help”

Whathappened to Martin Lawrence recently?

During the most recent Los Angeles premiere of the new ‘BadBoys’ film, Lawrence was picked up by the cameras struggling to keep his footing and looking a bit shaky at times. Fans were quick to point out the concerning image and there is a new report that confirms Will Smith is doing all the media heavy lifting. In this report, it is confirmed that Martin Lawrence was not feeling okay with a large crowd being extremely loud while cheering on both actors. Will smith was by Martin’s side at all times and was always trying to see where he could help in order to make him feel comfortable. Will Smith has been friends with Lawrence for decades at this point.

Recently, Martin Lawrnce was attempted to be put on the spot by asking him about his alleged health issues. He claimed that he is ‘healthy as hell’. Alo, he made the fans feel like there was nothing to worry about with him. He confirmed he feels grateful for all the concerns coming from the public but he wants them to know he is okay. And again, Will Smith is always the person who will be there to support Lawrence on everything he does. If Martin needs a person to talk to, Smith is just a call away. Hopefully, someday Martin Lawrence can come clean to which health issues he’s going through.