September 25, 2023: A source tells PEOPLE that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are ‘hanging out’son

September 25, 2023: A source tells PEOPLE that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are ‘hanging out’

A day after making headlines with their rumored romance, a source gave PEOPLE more insight into their relationship, noting that they are still in the “super, super early days” of getting to know one another.

“They’re having fun,” added the insider, noting that Swift and Kelce had met prior to her attendance at the game. “This was Taylor’s first time meeting his mom and dad, and everyone was enjoying themselves. She was super chill and low-key hanging out with his friends and family.”

The source added that after the game, Kelce “rented out a restaurant” for an intimate gathering with his friends and family, which Swift attended. “They were cute and normal, just hanging out and chatting,” added the source. “They’re just hanging out, and there’s no pressure,” said the source.

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